My name is Simon Wilkinson.
My section is Tenors.
I joined the Pink Singers in January 2004.
I joined the Pink Singers because I wanted to have a hobby that would involve me in the gay community and it had been over ten years since I had sung properly so I thought the choir was the perfect answer.
My favourite thing about being a Pinkie is being able to enjoy the choir with the love of my life. I have the choir to thank for bringing us together! Being a member of the oldest mixed gay choir in Europe is pretty cool as well.
When I’m not rehearsing you can find me… When I’m not working in someone’s garden, I’m a bit of a telly addict so I can be found watching UK Gold comedy reruns and old movies.
The song that I would most like us to perform is a medley of Neil Sedaka hits, just got to persuade Andy to arrange it!
The song in our repertoire which should be laid to rest is… Now that Tragedy has been given the boot and the Abba medley has been put to bed for a decade, I nominate Brahms Love Song Waltz No.11 Oh These Wicked Scandalmongers, I’ve never felt happy with that piece.