Not only did we have 15 shiny new Pinkies taking their first steps at our end of season concert at St John’s Smith Square, it was a little bit of a baptism of fire for them with a new venue and many new languages to learn for this season’s Olympic inspired ‘Around the world’ concert.
Those new faces helped take the audience on an incredible journey, got an amazing buzz and were rewarded for all their hard work with a standing ovation and later a party into the small hours – what more of a welcome to our Pink family could have they asked for?!
Our new season starts on Sunday 16th September 2012, when we will be recruiting for sparkly new members to grace the stage with us in what will undoubtedly be an exciting year – celebrating our 30th Anniversary. If you have always had a desire to perform and sing why not make the first move, check out our join us page for the details, and drop our new members rep, Gary, a line to show your interest?
No need to commit straight away, as you can simply come along and get a feel for the choir the first week and if you like it come back to audition. We are also looking for old members to return and sing with us for what will be a very special birthday concert in January. What have you got to lose! In the words of Joyful, Joyful…’come and join the chorus, the mighty, mighty chorus’…. you won’t regret it!