John Flinders, Accompanist, to leave the Pink Singers

We are very sad to announce that our wonderful accompanist, John Flinders, will be leaving us. This coming season will be his last after being with us since October 2011. 

For 13 years, John has helped elevate our vocal skills with his phenomenal work in the music team. Not only has he supported us by keeping us in tune each week in rehearsals, but he has guided us through tremendously challenging repertoires and arrangements with care and incredible precision. For this we are eternally grateful. 

 “My time with the Pink Singers has been a thrilling experience and I have so many happy memories that I will treasure. I have played music that I would never otherwise have known, in world-class arrangements by our own arrangers; I have visited and given concerts in countries that I had never imagined visiting, and met wonderful people, in the Pink Singers and in other choirs, that I would never otherwise have encountered.” – John 

The Pink Singers wish John an abundance of good fortune and luck in the future. He has been a truly unique, caring and guiding asset to us all and we are so thankful for everything he has given to us. We hope to see him soon at future concerts, cheering us on in the audience.

We will miss you, John! Lots of Pinkie love, always.

Photo credit: Neil Cordell