My name is Susannah Colgate.
My section is Altos.
I joined the Pink Singers in September 2000.
I joined the Pink Singers because I love singing and I was single and thought it would be a good way to meet a new partner. I haven’t met the love of my life through the choir (yet!) but I’ve had a fantastic time and made some great friends.
My favourite thing about being a Pinkie is singing such a variety of pieces and the socialiasing – I’ve had far too many Monday morning hangovers from going to the pub after rehersals. I have also really enjoyed the trips – especially Paris 2005.
When I’m not rehearsing you can find me working as a a Housing officer dealing with such lovely things as anti-social behaviour cases, socialising with friends and doing voluntary work with “The Life Training Programme” – they do fantastic personal development courses which I see make a massive difference to people’s lives.
The song that I would most like us to perform is Carmina Burana.
The song in our repertoire which should be laid to rest is When You Tell Me That You Love Me – only because we’ve sung it so many times!