Pinkie spotlight – Kelly


My name is Kelly.
My section is Alto.
I joined the Pink Singers in: I joined the Pink Singers last season so that’s October 2008.
Had you performed in choirs before? I have in the past been in choirs when I was at school.
I joined the Pink Singers because I had been looking to join a choir for years but couldn’t find one that was the right fit, then while watching a TV show that will remain nameless, I saw the Brighton Gay Mens choir and I thought “hey I bet there’s a gay choir in London”. I jumped on the Internet and hey presto up came the Pinkies, just like magic!
What do you like most about being a pinkie? I love the opportunity to sing with a truly amazing and diverse group of people who are always open and welcoming. There is a huge range of experience amongst the members and everyone seems happy to share that with each other. I always look forward to coming in to practice on Sunday, it is the highlight of my week.
Which songs do you most like performing? Right now I most enjoy performing Teardrop.
What song would you like to perform in future? I would like us to perform Everybody Hurts ( R.E.M. ).
What places have you travelled to with the pinkies? So far I haven’t really travelled with the Pinkies. I will be going to Paris with them soon which I am looking forward to, and Edinburgh later on in the year.
Which was your favourite event? I loved the Alto fundraiser we had a huge amount of fun and it was the first time I saw Pinkies karaoke in action. It was the most fun I have had in years!

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