Hello to all the Pinkies and friends, and welcome to the latest incarnation of our website. We have been aiming to update the website for quite some time, and we have brought our website up to date and into the 2010’s.
There have been some major changes since the old website, and there has been a large focus this time around on integrating our site with other social applications such as twitter, facebook and myspace (web 2.0, for the techies out there).
Among some of the changes to the site are:
- A fantastic new layout and design.
- We have added a login section for pink singers to access member only areas, which will contain information and files needed for members to access.
- There is a new events calendar along the right side that contains information of our upcoming events in a clear concise way.
Everyone can now leave comments on articles that they have read. You don’t have to be logged in to do this, but all comments will be moderated. We hope that this will increase the conversation around the pink singers.
- We have a section on the right side of the site called ‘Pinkies on the web’, which amalgamates all the ‘pinkies’ discussion from various social networking sources into one place.
- Loads more multimedia! Including YouTube videos, and loads of photos from our current and past events.
This has been a project that has been ongoing for quite some time now, and this is a great opportunity to highlight all of the people who have been involved in it.
A great big pinkie thankyou to:
- Hsien Chew – for his great design work, multimedia contributions and all the amazing ideas and content
- Karen Lawler – for her ongoing input and contributions
- Nathalina Bachmann – for her design input and ideas
- Oskar Marchock – for the amazing photos which we’ve used on the site
And also to everyone else that has ever contributed an article, idea or image to the site.
We look forward to hearing your comments about the new site.
Michael Dann