Following on from the successful launch of our latest virtual choir project, we thought it would be good to hear from some of our former members about what it was like to be back with the Pinkies and what taking part in the project meant to them?
Andy (1997-1998, Australia)

“I was in the Pink Singers for most of the two years I was in London and back then we didn’t even have mobile phones. So, for the team to expertly coordinate this huge project, across borders, time zones and generations of Pinkies, building community with sectionals and meetings and then amusing and accessible guidance for how to record our parts and then our videos: I tell you, I was amazed. But what I enjoyed the most was how it reminded me of an exciting time in my life and the best parts about living in London, and how the Pink Singers were so important to that.”

“In 2019, I went through a difficult relationship break up. That, coupled with the virus restrictions made things really difficult and I hit a real low. Then one day whilst visiting some Pinkie friends, they mentioned that the Pink Singers were still rehearsing virtually every Sunday, and the rehearsals were currently open to resters and ex-pinkies to join. I knew that singing with the Pinkies again was going to give me the positivity boost that I badly needed. Having a reason to sing again, but also to be part of an amazing community has really helped lift my spirits, and even though we are meeting via Zoom, I have enjoyed every minute of it. I am very grateful for the generosity of the people in this choir and to always feel welcome in this inclusive community.
It was really exciting being part of this project. I hadn’t previously sung the song, so I first had to learn the words and the music. This gave me a goal which helped take my mind off Covid. I also had the chance to video my two boys for the Dinkie Pinkie section. It was great to see them so excited to be taking part. I’m hugely impressed by the work that the Production team have put in to make this happen.”
Watch the video now!
Paul (1996-2003, The Netherlands)

“It was great to be part of this project and to feel that I was, once again, a singing Pinkie. I also enjoyed getting to know, for me, new Pinkies.
Since I moved to The Hague, I have been singing with the local gay men’s choir Vox Rosa. The main differences is that it is a male choir and also with only 25 members, it is much smaller than The Pinkies. Another difference is that Vox Rosa tends to tell a story with our concerts (especially when we perform at Various Voices). In Dublin the show was about the relationship between Gay Men and their mothers and in Munich our performance started with Vox Rosa as a very straight-laced traditional Christian Male Choir and ended up with all of the members’ expressing themselves as a very colourful choir of different sexualities and gender-identities.”
Kate (2007-2018)

“I miss that communal physical feeling of singing and breathing in the same space (especially this year!), the fantastic sound we all make together, being part of something bigger, at such a good standard. And the family, of course!
I loved seeing everyone again in the rehearsals – and was surprised how effective the rehearsals were over Zoom. Having seen the last video and knowing to what a high standard it’s produced by the team, I’m really looking forward to being a part of this one.”
Zoe (2016-17, The Netherlands)

“What I enjoyed most about this project was The Zoom rehearsals and seeing people I haven’t seen since leaving London! Getting dressed up was fun, but it was seeing old friends that really made it, even if I didn’t get to hug them. I miss the feeling of singing with 90 other people, but mainly the community.
Unfortunately, there aren’t any LGBT+ choirs near me in Rotterdam, nor in the whole of the Netherlands (that I’m aware of). There are a few gay men’s choirs around, and even fewer queer women’s choirs, but nothing mixed that I’ve found 🙁 So being briefly part of the Pinkies again, albeit virtually, was really special.”