LGBT+ History Month – Capturing our stories

This February, the Pink Singers is celebrating LGBT+ History Month with a series of talks, bringing to the surface the fascinating and diverse experiences of people within the choir, as well as those of the people we have had the pleasure to partner with.

In our final talk on 28 February 2021, Chris, the Pink Singers archive manager, sat down with Annie, Hsien and Pippa to reflect on the stories we have heard over the month and what we might learn from them.

  • What is “history” and what does it mean to “queer” history?
  • What are the barriers to our stories being collected and archived?
  • How is the story of the Pink Singers constructed and who gets to tell it? 
  • Where are the gaps and what can we do to fill them?

With the 40th anniversary of our choir just around the corner, we take a deep dive into how LGBT+ community groups like ours can preserve and (re)present our histories for ourselves and to others.

As part of our charitable aims promoting equality and diversity, the session was recorded and edited and can now be found on our Pink Singers YouTube channel.

Other talks in the series:

Week 1: Pink History With Sue Sanders

Week 2: Strike a Pose: The Northern Ballroom Scene with Oskar

Week 3: It’s a Sin!